Permanent Solutions
Square Ft.
Construction Webflow Template - Doha - Designed by and

Red Hill

This was one of the more challenging projects believe it or not! This was a standard broom finished walkway with hand tooled joints leading from the driveway to the backyard with a bump out extension for a grilling area. The walkway continued through the yard to meet up with the existing porch and then headed uphill to meet up with the shed. The access between the gate was tight and the ground was comprised almost entirely of shale which made the excavation and forming process very difficult. Almost every single pin on the job had to be hammer drilled into the shale (well over 100 of them!) The layers of shale made drilling straight holes troublesome, so many of the pins had to be shimmed to keep the forms straight. Much of the yard had slope towards the house so a channel drain was added between the existing porch and the new walkways. The porch was the same elevation as the existing drains for the downspouts, so the new channel drain was trenched all the way to the front yard. While the excavation and forming process was arduous, pouring and finishing the concrete was a breeze! The homeowners were amazing to work with and went out of their way to make this job as easy on us as possible and made us feel right at home through the whole process. Thank you!!

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Black Landscaping, Concrete, and Masonry